Monday, 20 February 2012

Giving my life up for lent.

With Lent being just two days away, I'm thinking about giving up Facebook for 40 days and 40 nights. People who know me will know I'm a complete addict, even though over recent months activity on my newsfeed has significantly dwindled. Will I miss it? Probably. Will not being on it cause me to fall behind in social happenings? Probably. But if one positive is to come out of this, it'll make me feel like I have an actual life, not just a virtual reality that revolves around reading awful statuses created by supposed "friends".
So let's see how long it takes for my very little willpower to crumble and for me to click straight back on to the book with a face.

1 comment:

  1. How's giving up Facebook going? Well? Is there a protagonist...?
